Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Sleeping beauty

Wouldnt it be great that one can function well without the need for sleep?

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


tsaL thgin ta ohsO, i was a puorg fo sdik gniklaw sdrawkacb. tI kcurts em tahw fi ruo hcaorppa fo gnivil si sdrawkcab oot, morf dlo ot gnuoy; decneirepxe ot ecneconni; morf etihw riah ot kcalb riah. t'ndluoW taht eb ecin? I kniht os.

oT eid ta eht ega fo ecneconni, suoivilbo ot eht dlrow seitixelpmoc. enO, eid ni ecaep! Sweet! oops. haha ;P

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Importance of a Count

During the meeting in the afternoon, i told Raffles and Farquhar about my thoughts about the child-following-thing and his reaction was one of unsatisfied and furious - for god knows what reason. I think it's probably due to his lack of that he is furious. Farquhar wasn't please but was pleasant.

I said "This issue is not as simple as it seems because Temasek is a multi-culture society. The minangkabaus has a matrilineal system, while most of the other races have a patriarchal one, so We can't decide as we wish even though we are the adminstrator of this island. We need to respect people beliefs"..."unless you can convince them to agree with you", murmured Farquhar. "Yea, that's right", exclaimed Raffles. "Convince them!" he shouted. Farquhar slapped his forehead, regretting what he just said and rebutted,"Isn't the act of convincing also an act of not respecting their beliefs?" "How ethical are you, Raffles", he snared. "Farq, I don't care about ethics or morals. I'm a business man. I'm pragmatic and ensure the existence of my profits.". "Who says a businessman can ignore ethics or morals?" refuted Farquhar. He continued,"Ethics and morals are about dealings with people regardless of the transaction. Do you think people would still continue to do business with you if they realise the lack of ethics or morals?" "Well, if i am the only supplier for that particular demand, do you think they would continue to do business with me?" Raffles replied smugly. Farquhar argued,"In this case, do you mean you can do as you please and yet they will continue to do business with you even the prices are ludicrously priced, since you are in a demanding position?". " depends." Raffles replied softly. Seeing that the topic is digressing, i interrupted,"The issue here now is whether who the Child should follow, the father or mother, and not business and ethics". Then i suggested,"Why dont we vote?". "Good idea!" both acknowledged. "when shall we vote?" Farquhar asked. Raffles proposed,"At the dining table in my mansion" "NO", shouted Farquhar and continued "Utama, you decide". After some contemplation, i proposed,"Evening at the Padang?" "Awwwww" Raffles groaned and said," it's hot and crowded there, can we choose another place?" I answered,"The crowd is the main reason why i proposed the location. We need witnesses and they are our witnesses. Besides, we can go for some satays afterwards. It's nearby." Farquhar agreed without much thought.

As we know, Farquhar and Raffles has their own position but not me. I'm still undecided and, more or less, neutral. After the meeting, Raffles came over after he saw Farquhar left. He said,"Utama, if you support me, i will give you 20 percent of my profits." I replied,"Huh", "Ok. 25 percent?" He bargained. I said,"It's not about money, Raffles. I have to be fair to Farquhar and respect this voting system. It's a matter of principles". "Oh c'mon, I will give you 35 percent of my profits and that is the furthest i can go. Don't push your luck." he said. "It's not about money, Raffles...It's principles." I defended. Then he threatened,"Ok, fine. You just becareful in future. What goes around comes around.", "Yes, i will..." I replied and he left. Knowing that he will try to influence the voting committee members, i requested only the head of the ballot to be solely in-charge of the balloting without anyone knowledge. With one person handling this balloting, rigging would not be possible as the positions of four of us are clear. Any discrepancies are easily identified and traced. Besides, the head is a man of honor, who is well-known for his impartialness, and he is none other than Bao Gong - Justice Bao, the Black-face Magistrate.

Evening came and while i was walking towards Padang, Farquhar appeared in front of me and said,"Utama, I know you are a man of principles but that doesnt mean you are ethical and moral. I hope you are fair and true to yourself when you vote. Don't be sway by others' influences." I nodded and begin contemplating the consequences of my vote to either sides and made a position.

People started to crowd at the middle of the field where the ballots was set up by our independant voting committee. The judiciary is in-charged of the committee, which provided an impression of fairness and justice.

Once Bao Gong announced the start of the balloting, people begin shouting support for Raffles and Farquhar. As expected, they cast their votes into the respective box. When my turn came, people were shouting, requesting my support to Farquhar or Raffles. I just kept quiet and walk straight to the box i have decided.

Immediately after i casted my ballot, Bao Gong went in to confirm the votes. After awhile, he came out. Everyone kept quiet and looked at him. He then announced,"With respect of the votes counted from the independant voting committee, the decision regarding the Child following the Father or Mother is non-conclusive as all three boxes contained one ballot each. Hence, the Child is not obligated in any circumstances, by law, culture or practice, to follow the Father or Mother regardless of race. Hearby, i declared the decision held as conclusive unless further appeal". The reaction from the crowd was of relief and disappointment. I guess no one really wanted to change the current way of living and questions struck me: Is changes really so detestable? Why are people so replusive and fearful of changes? Why? WHY!?!?

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Emptiness of the Mind

After some time of pondering about the previous question, i figured that whether the child is to follow the father or mother depends on the idealogy of the creator regardless common sense or biological evidence is applied. It only matter how people, practices and problems will be affected. No one really cares of the child following the father or mother, one only knows whether which is best for them.

So why bother? Only the stupid bothers about something no one cares, the intelligent one just live their life happily away, indifferent to their surrounding.