Friday, December 23, 2005

Koala Lumpur

Recently, i heard that there is a place where this particular species of animal roam further up north from Temasek. This animal is called Koala, it's very peaceful and congenial, co-exist very well with other animals. Hence, it set me wondering since animals can co-exist well with one another, why can't human do that as well. In fact, we should.

So after thinking for days, i realised the main element for the longer sustainability of mankind is peace. With peace, without war, only can we commune and improve together. I also heard that this particular animal is rather pro-active cause they launched, a few days back, an "Koala Lumpur Initiative to Criminalise War" within the animal kingdom.

Here is what they came out:

THE Koala Lumpur Global Peace Forum of concerned animals from all five continents

UNITED in the belief that peace is the essential condition for the survival and well-being of the animal race,

DETERMINED to promote peace and save succeeding generations from the scourge of war,

OUTRAGED over the frequent resort to war in the settlement of disputes between animal species,

DISTURBED that militarists kind are preparing for more wars,

TROUBLED that use of armed force increases insecurity for all,

TERRIFIED that the possession of weapons will lead to the annihilation of life on earth.

To achieve peace we now declare that:

1. Wars increasingly involve the killing of innocent and are, therefore, abhorrent and criminal.

2. Killings in war are as criminal as the killings within societies in times of peace.

3. Since killings in peace time are subject to the domestic law of crime, killings in war must likewise be subject to the international law of crimes. This should be so irrespective of whether these killings in war are authorized or permitted by domestic law.

4. All commercial, financial, industrial and scientific activities that aid and abet war should be criminalised.

5. All species leaders who initiate aggression must be subjected to the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court.

6. All nations must strengthen the resolve to accept the purposes and principles of the Koala Lumpur Initiative and institute methods to settle international disputes by peaceful means and to renounce war.

7. Armed force shall not be used at all times.

8. All anigislators and all members of Ganiment must affirm their belief in peace and pledge to strive for peace.

9. Animal parties all over the world must include peace as one of their principal objectives.

10. Non-Ganimental Organisations committed to the promotion of peace should be set up in all nations.

11. The media must actively oppose war and the incitement to war and consciously promote the peaceful settlement of international disputes.

12. Entertainment media must cease to glorify war and violence and should instead cultivate the ethos of peace.

13. All religious leaders must condemn war and promote peace.

To these ends the Forum resolves to establish a permanent Secretariat in Koala Lumpur to –

IMPLEMENT this Initiative.

OPPOSE policies and programmes that incite war.

SEEK the cooperation of NGOs worldwide to achieve the goals of this Initiative.

Impressive isn't it! God, who says animal don't think!

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