Monday, December 05, 2005


Yesterday, Raffles was suggesting to bring the English legal system, Common law, into Temasek through the Charters of Justice.

Papak rejected the suggestion directly, saying the english customs, practices and tradition are culturally different from ours. Besides, there isn't a need to import other's legal system, even though currently there isn't an existing one.

Then Raffles explained, With Rules and Regulation, we would be able to regulate the behaviours and practices of the society, of the citizens. The Law will create an orderly society, where each is given certain rights and place in the system. Everyone knows their place in the society, their homeland. So if any confusion arises, there are the rules to say whether it's against the rules and regulations or not.

And he continued, Besides, the English Legal system has been around for many many years, a few hundred years at least, so it is quite consistent, fair, and relevant.

Relevant!? Papak rebutted. How can it be relevant when both countries do not share the same practices? England is England, Temasek is Temasek, do you see the difference in the spelling of words?

Temasek do not have a former system of law but yet our society still co-exist harmoniously, so we dont need anything from England. Temasek is a sovereign country. We will create a Legal system when the need arises. You just go be your adminstrator of this island and think of ways to profit from our neighbours or your homeland neighbours.

In my mind, i was thinking: Only a few days back, a young man was killed. Why would papak wants to have a former system that will restricts his power? I think Raffles has some ulterior motives. Better becareful of him now.

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